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Write For Us

Thank you for being so interested in contributing to Techno Ustad! Article submissions from writers, programmers, and other technological experts are encouraged. We respect your involvement in our community and are dedicated to giving you fascinating and helpful articles.

What We’re Looking For

We accept articles ​on a ​wide range of ​topics related ​to technology, including ​but not ​limited to:

  • Web Development
  • Mobile Applications
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Cybersecurity
  • Gadgets and Hardware
  • Software Development
  • Tech Industry Trends
  • Tutorials and How-to Guides

Submission Guidelines

Before submitting an article, please take a moment to review our guidelines:

  • No previously published or broadcast works may be submitted; every work must be original.
  • An article should be 900–1500 words and written clearly. Send your work in Markdown or plain text.
  • Comprehensive, well-researched, and audience-friendly articles are prioritized. Make sure your info is correct and current.
  • Use a conversational tone that will connect with our readers.
  • Include appropriate graphics, tables, and multimedia components to further illustrate your points. Verify that you own the rights to any images or video you use.
  • Please reference any data, studies, or quotations that you use.

How to Submit

To submit an article, please email it to our editor along with the following:

  • Your name and a short bio (50 words max).
  • A high-resolution photo of yourself.
  • Relevant links to your website or social media profiles (optional).

Editorial Process

Our team will ​review your ​submission and may ​provide feedback ​or request revisions. ​Once your ​article is approved, ​we’ll schedule ​it ​and notify ​you of the ​publication date.


At this time, ​we do ​not offer monetary ​compensation for ​guest contributions. However, ​we provide ​full credit to ​our contributors, ​including a byline, ​bio, and ​links to their ​personal websites ​and social media profiles.

Contact Us

If you have ​any questions ​or want ​more information, ​please don’t hesitate ​to contact us at amclicksteam@gmail.com.

Thank you for considering contributing to Techno Ustad! We look forward to working with you.

Search Operator Queries that you can use to Get in Touch With us:

  • Your Keyword “guest post”
  • Your Keyword “write for us”
  • Your Keyword “guest article”
  • Your Keyword “this is a guest post by”
  • Your Keyword “want to write for”
  • Your Keyword “submit post”
  • Your Keyword “submit blog post”
  • Your Keyword “contribute to our site”
  • Your Keyword “contributing writer”
  • Your Keyword “contributor guidelines”
  • Guest Post Write For Us
  • Your Keyword “guest column”
  • Your Keyword “submit content”
  • Your Keyword “submit your content”
  • Your Keyword “This post was written by”
  • Your Keyword “guest post courtesy of ”
  • Write For Us Guest Post
  • Your Keyword “guest posting guidelines”
  • Your Keyword “become a guest blogger”
  • Your Keyword “guest blogger
  • Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”
  • Your Keyword “looking for guest posts”
  • Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”
  • Your Keyword “guest poster wanted”
  • Your Keyword “accepting guest posts”
  • Your Keyword “writers wanted”
  • Your Keyword “articles wanted”
  • Your Keyword “become a contributor”
  • Your Keyword “submit guest post”
  • Your Keyword “submit an article”
  • Your Keyword “guest author”
  • Your Keyword “send a tip”
  • Your Keyword “suggest a post”
  • Your Keyword “submit an article”
  • Your Keyword “become an author”
  • Your Keyword “contributing writer”
  • Your Keyword “submit news”
  • allintitle: Your Keyword + guest post
  • How to start a blog + “write for us”
  • all in the title: Your Keyword + guest post
  • Tech guest post
  • Technology guest post
  • Gaming guest post
  • App guest post
  • Artificial Intelligence guest post

Techno Ustad

Techno Ustad is committed to revolutionizing the digital landscape and empowering individuals and businesses to thrive online.

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